The National Management Committee would like to advise members that the National Treasurer, Tim Bodey has announced that he will not be seeking re-election at Conference.
Tim came to the Treasurer’s job during a period of great difficulty for the Association. He has done an incredible job getting the Association’s finances back on an even keel.
He has been responsible for the implementation of our Xero accounting system as well as greatly strengthening the governance procedures around our State Branch treasuries. It has taken a huge effort and commitment on his part. These things come at no small personal cost to the few who are prepared to shoulder great burdens during times of need.
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Tim, on behalf of the Association, for everything he has done. The Pipe Bands Australia community owes Tim a debt of gratitude that cannot be fully repaid and we wish him all the best in his future endeavours. We look forward to seeing Tim on the competition park and enjoying his drumming.
Of course, this means that we are now looking for a new treasurer. We would be interested in hearing from members with an accounting background, who have an active interest in participating in the management of the PBA as a member of the National Management Committee. Please contact the Secretary or President for further details.