The Australian Pipe Band College (APBC) is the educational arm of Pipe Bands Australia and provides introduction and advancement in education relating to the key disciplines of traditional and modern ‘Pipe Banding’ in Australia and afar whilst providing individuals with access to the APBC wide breadth of experience and resources through contemporary means and an engaging approach.
Nominated College Principals each administer an APBC discipline combing their individual years of experience to form an unrivalled training and educational resource. To date examinations have been regularly conducted in Australia and overseas.
College examination offered disciplines of study are itemised below.
Resources and information for novice through to experienced pipers with respect to a APBC certification programs in this field.
Resources and information for members relating to Snare, Tenor and Bass drumming in accordance with APBC examinations.
Resources and information for members relating to Drill & Dress manuals, examination levels and instructors syllabus.
Resources related to effective Ensemble management and Musical Adjudication with respect to APBC competitions in addition to examination material.
This discipline encompasses the important administrative materials relating to PBA/ APBC competitions and ongoing management.
APBC commonly used tune settings for Pipes, Snare, Bass & Tenor.
A complete list of Pipe Bands Australia’s members that have achieved Adjudicator and/or Contest Supervisor qualifications.