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The Melbourne Highland Games and Celtic Festival will host the Victorian Pipe Band Championships on 20th March 2022 at Eastfield Park, 119 Eastfield Road, Croydon VIC 3136 - more details to follow. Pipe Bands Victoria extends grateful thanks to the MHG&CF committee.
Pipe Bands Victoria hosted a concert in the spectacular grounds of Government House, Melbourne on 19th November 2021 at the kind invitation of The Governor of Victoria, The Honourable Linda Dessau AC and Mr Anthony Howard AM QC. 
The Pipe Bands Australia - Victoria Branch AGM was held on December 5th and as a result congratulate the following members on their achievements.
Two new inductees to the Pipe Bands Australia Hall of Fame have been announced recognising their influence and outstanding contribution to the pipe band world - Donald Blair OAM and the late Lew Zilles OAM ED.
World champion pipe major James Cowie and internationally-renowned composer and piper Mark Saul have been named as recipients of the 2020 national awards for Performance.
Former Principal Drumming Greg Bassani OAM and Gary Webb have been named recipients of the 2020 national awards for merit and achievement in Education and Training. The selection panel noted that both Greg and Gary had been considered in multiple categories in the national awards. Their precis citations read: · Greg Bassani – As Principal...
The biennial Pipe Bands Australia national awards recognising merit and achievement are being announced this week. Nominations for the awards in three categories – Promotion and Advancement, Education and Training, Performance – were considered by panels drawn from within national council who selected the two recipients for each award. The panel noted that several nominees...

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